In August at Amaru Mayu Biosphere, shadowed by the interconnectedness of the tree canopy, we sportively trekked towards the Copoazu orchard. The understory shaded from the blazing sun as sweat saturated our shirts. Cocooned within the embrace of the Garden, immersed in an ensemble of sounds which amplified the drama. For a moment I became absorbed in mind. An entrancing remembrance of someone from another place and time. This overlay dissolved back into the nothingness from which it sprung when I beheld a deep purple coming from the backside of a plant growing close to the forest floor. Inhaling deep its vibrancy, I continued moving while scanning the surroundings. Before us lay two logs slightly above a natural pool made from a freshwater stream moving down the mountain. While balancing myself across the logs I made out a yellow color in the natural pool. Directing my attention, I saw the scales of a yellow and black dwarf Caiman (paleosuchus palpebrosus). My excitement made it nervous as it dashed under the rock that jutted over the pool. Even though it was for a split second, the life of the garden innocently showed itself in an animated way as we became fulfilled in our role as gardeners of this great landscape.
A gardener, in their DEVOTION, mirrors the role of CREATOR, offering the fruits of their LOVE, care, and intention to the garden. Within the garden, a dramatic dance unfolds, a symphony of elements at play, drawing visitors to witness the living theater of NATURE. It is here that the primary forces (air, water, fire, earth) intertwine to create a world both vibrant and alive, where each moment holds a reflection of the CREATORs hand. This elemental drama stirs something deep within us, as visitor's encounter Flora and Fauna, each species a messenger, evoking ancient memories and stirring one's BEING. The dynamic interplay of LIFE, with its perfect balance and harmony, reaches into the mind, creating a deeply personal interaction with the garden.
There is no life outside of Mother NATUREs SACRED order, for she is the pulse of CREATION. Her rhythms, both wild and unpredictable, lures those with open hearts to learn from her infinite wisdom. In her playful chaos, there is a deeper INTELLIGENCE that speaks to the soul, an invitation to see oneself not as separate from the EARTH, but as an expression of it. The spiritual journey begins when one recognizes themselves as CREATION, and CREATION as the garden, a living reflection of the UNI-VERSE.
The mind, ultimately empty, is a vast space where that which arises holds no inherent mass or lasting relevance. Like a garden, it exists as both a complex web of interdependent processes and as a single, isolated phenomenon. In this way, the garden mirrors the mind, and the mind serves as a doorway to the garden of the soul. Each experience is a brushstroke in the canvas of your existence, where meaning is not given, but crafted, shaped by countless impressions. Meaning is not the Self, but the expression of your own CREATION. Transforming it into something nourishing rather than harmful is a SACRED process. It begins with the seeds you plant within your mind, which then ripple out into your actions. The thoughts we sow and the emotions we cultivate shape the mental landscape that overlays the world around us. When invasive, destructive thoughts take root, they spread like vines, choking the vibrant LIFE that yearns to grow. Yet with tender care and clear attention, the mind can bloom into something profound and beautiful, reflecting the serene, dynamic NATURE of the garden within.
ALL of LIFE dances within the garden's SACRED embrace. The gardener, butteflies, dragonflies, bees, mice, worms, and countless others, each one a thread woven into the web of the gardens BEING. They dream, love, and mourn in the quiet spaces between the leaves, infusing the garden with their vibrant, unseen energies. The garden hums with the wisdom of its communal essence, whispering softly to share its bounty, to give without grasping. Yet some, driven by a desire to possess, taint its purity and unknowingly poison themselves in the process. In its quiet resilience, the garden teaches us the art of nourishing and cherishing, of balancing our desires with the greater harmony of the whole. Each BEING's unique connection to the garden is vital to its holistic balance. Just as the garden must be tended to thrive, so too must the mind. For the garden will bloom with or without us, but the question remains: will we choose to cultivate it with intention, sowing seeds of wisdom, LOVE, and reverence for ALL?
Our EARTH is a vast, living garden, awaiting the touch of those who see it as their SACRED dominion. When the mind aligns with the EARTH’s ancient INTELLIGENCE, a profound union is born. A union where affection, DEVOTION, and the duty of safeguarding the EARTH flow naturally from the heart. This mystical bond is the spiritual path, a journey to walk in harmony with the GODESS, with NATURE herself, and to embrace her as part of our very BEING. It is only when we carry her within our hearts that we are granted the strength to face the forces that seek to harm LIFE. Just as the garden flourishes with both LIGHT and shadow, so too does the mind. Its vibrance emerging when we embrace the full spectrum of our BEING, welcoming both the LIGHT and the DARK as teachers along the way.
However, NATURE is a mirror. Just as organisms react to one another, the garden responds to you. If you approach with tension, restlessness, or aggression, the BEINGs in the garden will reflect this. Sometimes, this reaction may appear as sudden defense, like a snake coiling into position, its tail rattling in the leaves. It is NATURE's way of testing your curiosity and reactivity, inviting you to tune into the subtler rhythms of the world around you. But when you learn to quiet your mind and control your breath, the garden opens itself in ways unimaginable, offering its secrets and gifts to those who approach with peace. This delicate dance of interaction reveals the true essence of your connection, not just with the garden, but with LIFE itself. Your relationship with the garden will ultimately define your relationship with LIFE, for NATURE responds to the energy you possess, shaping the bond between you and the living world.
A gardener walks the fine line between chaos and order, moving through many emotions as they tend to land entrusted to them. The garden is a reflection of the gardener's heart and will. If those emotions falter, if neglect creeps in, the garden will reflect this disharmony, becoming difficult to nurture. To be a gardener is to embody the resilience of CREATION, holding the intention of LIFE's perpetual flourishing. A garden is more than just the growing of food; it is a living entity that sustains all BEINGs. Providing shelter, nourishment, oxygen, and BIODIVERSITY, while breathing LIFE back into the EARTH. To approach the garden with selfish desires alone, hoarding its fruits for oneself, is to miss the greater purpose. The true gardener knows the SACRED balance of sharing space with ALL of LIFE, creating not just for their own needs, but for the collective good of their community and ECOSYSTEM. Through this harmony, the garden becomes a place where LIFE flows freely, continuously, and abundantly for ALL.