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The profound interconnectedness of LIFE is rooted in the vibrant BIODIVSERSITY of SOIL. SOIL is not just EARTH, it is a living, breathing community of microorganisms that transform decaying organic matter into vital nutrients. These nutrients are then absorbed by plants, aided by the mycorrhizal networks of microbes. In turn, the creatures of the planet consume this plant LIFE, returning it to the SOIL, where the cycle begins anew. This symbiotic play of giving and receiving fuels the continuous process of evolution, creating a dynamic balance of cooperation and competition, shaped by countless environmental factors. It is within this living network that LIFE springs forth, nourished by the biodynamic richness of the EARTH. When in harmony, these microorganisms sustain an ECOSYSTEM teeming with flourishing Flora and Fauna, each unique in its microbial balance, yet all part of the greater system.

Anyone who has immersed themselves in a thriving ECOSYSTEM can feel the subtle sensations on their skin as the environment’s microorganisms curiously explore their presence. Some itches linger, others fade, but always, we are in an intimate interaction with these invisible communities. These microbes inhabit every exposed surface of our bodies, crawling on our skin, within our mouths, and through every opening. Of ALL the places where researchers have discovered these microbial inhabitants, the gastrointestinal tract stands out as the richest and most diverse. It is here, within the warm, humid chambers of our gut, where an intricate web of bacteria thrives. Each section of the digestive tract is home to its own specific communities, creating a dynamic and fluctuating ECOSYSTEM that is essential to our well-BEING. We are not merely hosts to these LIFEforms; we are co-CREATORs.

The food we eat directly shapes the microbial communities in our gut, just as the SOIL nourishes the microorganisms that enrich our land. These microbes play a vital role in breaking down food and synthesizing essential vitamins like K2 and B12. However, when the balance of gut bacteria is disrupted, a condition known as dysbiosis, the production of these vitamins becomes compromised. Much like the SOIL, our gut requires a harmonious balance of cooperation and competition among its microbial inhabitants. Dysbiosis can arise from three main sources: consuming processed (inorganic) foods, eating seedless (synthetic) plants, or ingesting food tainted with toxins. One of the greatest tragedies of our time lies in the push towards industrial agriculture, where chemical warfare is waged under the guise of GMO seed production. The reality is GMO crops cannot be grown without chemicals to compensate for its CREATION of depleted SOIL, an unsustainable cycle that threatens both our health and the health of our planet.

SOIL, much like our own bodies, thrives when rich in microbial BIODIVERSITY. Plants rely on these microorganisms for essential nutrients, and in turn, they naturally produce antioxidants to protect themselves from pests and diseases. However, when pesticides are sprayed on plants or infused into the SOIL, the insects are killed, and when fungicides are used it wipes all fungi out, poisoning the plant and preventing the plant from activating its own defenses. This suppression of the plant’s natural immunity means that the beasts who consume it are deprived of the very nutrients that would help them fight off diseases. Moreover, these beasts ingest the chemicals that have been absorbed by the plant, as toxins move through every cell and fiber, poisoning the very LIFE that feeds on it. These chemicals eventually wash into the SOIL, decimating microbial LIFE and disrupting the entire ECOSYSTEM, from the bees and butterflies to the rabbits and birds. This toxic cycle continues as the chemicals flow into our rivers and streams, eroding the health of our environment, thus our own. By enriching the SOIL, we allow it to retain more WATER and nutrients, creating a sustainable, thriving ECOSYSTEM, for ALL BEINGs, human and non-human alike.

Research has shown that these chemicals act as hormone and endocrine disruptors, wreaking havoc on our gut bacteria. When our gut microbiome falls into a state of dysbiosis, we become vulnerable to a cascade of preventable diseases. The first casualty is our immune system, which becomes compromised, while the lining of our gut is slowly destroyed. As the balance of nutrients falters, our tissues begin to accumulate calcium due to an inability to produce Vitamin K2, which also impacts our Vitamin D and calcium absorption. This creates a breeding ground for nerve damage from a lack of B12 production, and opens the door to many other health complications. This is a silent epidemic, one that is not being properly addressed. Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and colon cancer are all on the rise, and a significant contributor to this crisis is the destruction of our microbiome. Our very foundation of health is being undermined by the chemicals we allow to seep into our food and environment.

Our relationship with microbial life must evolve into one of deep INCLUSIVITY. The chemicals we use to "clean" our homes and “help” our gardens are slowly destroying LIFE in ALL its forms. It’s time for us to embrace the wisdom of Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO). By learning how to cultivate these beneficial microorganisms and CONSCIOUSly introducing them into our homes and gardens, we can create healthier environments. IMOs help purify the AIR and cleanse surfaces, while also nurturing the vitality of our gardens. This practice is essential for restoring balance and harmony to our surroundings. Soon, we’ll be sharing how to enrich your living spaces with these incredible allies. Until then, may you begin to cultivate AWARENESS and reverence for the invisible forces that support ALL LIFE.

One simple yet profound practice is to reconnect your body with the EARTH. Whether through gardening, walking barefoot, or lying with your back on the SOIL, these acts create an energetic balance, grounding you in the natural rhythms. In Yoga, it is taught that many ailments can be prevented or healed by re-establishing this connection with the EARTH. There are many ways to look at this, but one way we often overlook it, this practice allows the Indigenous Microorganisms (IMOs) in our environment to interact with our bodies, supporting our well-BEING. There are more microbes on and within us than there are cells, reminding us that our physicality is intertwined with BIODIVERSITY. When we lack this microbial diversity, our health is compromised. It’s a call to embrace the living network that sustains us and honor the deep connection between body and EARTH.

We are witnessing a profound extinction within our microbiomes, a mirror of the BIODIVERSITY loss across our planet. The health of our inner and outer worlds is inseparably linked; BIODIVERSITY is the foundation of CREATION. Urban areas, far removed from NATURE’s purity, are particularly vulnerable to this crisis, making this call to action ALL the more urgent. The loss of microdiversity is not just a loss of health, it’s a loss of connection and creativity. We must awaken to our responsibility, both for our individual well-BEING and the ECOSYSTEM around. Assume the role of CREATOR, shaping a reality of harmony and regeneration, rather than succumbing to one of imbalance and decay. Since 1970, we have lost 70% of the diversity in WILDLIFE, and with it, an untold wealth of plant allies, our healers, teachers, and companions. Imagine the richness we’ve forfeited, and let it ignite within you a commitment to renewal. Now is the time to return to relationship with the SOIL, to nurture BIODIVERSITY through INCLUSIVE and regenerative practices. Move beyond humancentric tendencies, step into alignment with the natural order, and act, not just with words, but through deeds. Together, we can reimagine a future where LIFE flourishes in its endless diversity, and in doing so, rediscover the SACRED. Let this be our pledge, our practice, and our purpose.

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